Think Out of the Box for your Next Photo Session

I might be biased, but having family photos taken is always a great idea.  Getting them taken every year is an excellent way to see how much your kids have changed and grown.  It’s also a great way to get Mom in the pictures because she's behind the camera nine times out of ten.  While the posed shots with everyone smiling and looking at the camera are great, I’d like to give you some ideas to help you think out of the box for your next photo session.  These ideas are fun and can add personality to your family pictures.

Play your favorite sport.  Are you a pretty active family?  Do you enjoy playing sports together?  Let’s meet at a baseball diamond, tennis court, basketball court, or backyard to capture the family together playing something they love.

Go for a hike.  Is going for a hike your family’s thing?  Let’s take a walk in the woods to enjoy the great outdoors.  Find caterpillars, catch butterflies, and appreciate Mother Nature.

Fun at the playground.  Do your kids LOVE the playground?  Going down slides, being pushed on a swing, hanging upside down from the monkey bars…they all lead to natural smiles and laughter.

Play in the snow.  You might not think winter is a good time for family photos, but it is!  Snow just waiting to be built into a snowman or a fort is a great reason to get the family all bundled up.   Make snow angels, have a snowball fight, and then come in for some hot chocolate.

Go fishing.  Grab your fishing poles and worms, and catch some fish.  The look on your child’s face when they reel one in is priceless, and so is the moment of them proudly holding their trophy catch.

Apple picking. Apple farms are a great way to show your kids where apples come from.  And being able to pick apples straight from the tree is a pretty big deal when you’re young.  Pick a bushel and enjoy.

Pumpkin Farm.  Pumpkin farms have so much to offer these days.  Pick a pumpkin or two, go on a hay ride, and drink hot apple cider.  There are a lot of little moments that turn into big memories.

We all scream for ice cream.  I don’t know many kids or adults who don’t love ice cream.  Let’s go to the local ice cream parlor and pick out your favorite flavor.  It’s ok if things get messy.

County Fair.  Does your family go to the county fair every year?  While it’s still cool for your kids to hang out with you, capture the memories of going on rides, playing carnival games, winning life-size stuffed bears, and eating cotton candy.  County fairs have everything, so the possibilities are pretty endless.

The Pool.  Can your family be found in the swimming pool when the temperatures rise?  Cannonballs, water wings, little goggles, and a game of Marco Polo all add up to a great time. As your kids grow up, they will remember the fun things you did together as a family – not necessarily everyone sitting on a blanket, looking at the camera, and smiling.  Thinking out of the box for your family photo session will help preserve what makes your family,  your family.


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Vermont Summer Senior Portrait Session