Capturing the Details of this Holiday Season

There is no doubt that this is the busiest time of year.  Days and nights fly by as we go to school Holiday programs, attend numerous holiday parties, shop for the perfect present, address and mail out Holiday Cards…the list could go on and on.  While you’re making your to-do lists and checking them twice, you might find it’s easy to forget the little things that make this time of year so magical.  That’s why I’ve put together a checklist (yes, another list) for capturing the details of this holiday season.  Bust out your camera or smart phone.  These are the things you’ll want to remember.SHP_CapturingDetails

The Decorations

Decorating the Christmas Tree.  Have your kids help put on the ornaments. Sure, they may put them all on the same branch, but that’s what will make this year’s Christmas tree special.Stockings.  If St. Nick stops by your house, take pictures of the stockings hung by the chimney with care – before the kids find them.  Then take pictures of your kids discovering the goodies.

The Food

Baking Christmas Cookies.  Focus on the little aprons. Mixing the all the ingredients while standing on tippy-toes.  The frosting.  The sprinkles.  The mess.  Then focus on your family enjoying the cookies.  Or, putting together a plate of cookies for Santa.  Delivering all those toys on one night really works up an appetite!Christmas Dinner.  It takes hours to prepare the feast, but only minutes to eat it.  Photograph the chef(s) in action.  Take pictures of the table before everyone sits down to eat.  Capture the moments before the food coma sets in.

The Action.

Opening Presents.  Get down on your kid’s level and enjoy their reactions as they rip off the wrapping paper and their eyes light up as they open up the new best-thing-ever!Holiday Parties.  Be a fly on the wall and capture friends and family interacting with each other.  You’ll get natural smiles and genuine laughter vs. having them stop what they are doing to look at the camera and smile.There is so much magic in the details.  You'll be glad you took the time capturing the details of this holiday season.  Take a deep breath, exhale, and enjoy them. 


Keene NH Holiday Sessions


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