Senior Year Bucket List for Parents

Doesn’t it seem like only yesterday that you had tears in your eyes as you waved to your child as they rode off on the school bus, headed to their first day of kindergarten?  Soon, you’ll have tears as your child walks across the stage to receive their high school diploma.  You’ve probably noticed that Senior Year flies by.  I've put together a Senior Year Bucket List to help your family and your senior get the most out of their final year of high school.  Grab your camera because it’s not too late to add a few more memories and savor these last high school moments.


If you have a senior athlete, there will probably be a “senior night” to honor the team’s seniors and their parents (you).  It might be tough to take pictures while you’re part of the event, so I suggest making it to at least one more regular game and focusing on the little things (team jersey/number, equipment, balls, team bench, the coach) along with the bigger things (your athlete in action, the playing field, the team). 

Music & Theater

If music and/or theater is more of your senior’s thing, getting behind-the-scenes photos can be fun. Photograph your actor practicing their lines, the costumes, the sets.  Getting these kinds of shots during an actual performance is usually impossible, so consider volunteering backstage. If your senior is part of the school band or orchestra, ask if you can sneak backstage during warm-ups before the concert.  Focus on your child playing their instrument.  Capture the entire group performing.  Photograph the entire section your child is a part of after the concert. 


Is your senior a part of a special club at school?  Ask to photograph one of their events.  Be a fly on the wall and capture those candid moments of your child’s interaction with other group members.  Photograph them doing what they do best.


Convince your senior to walk around the school grounds with you one evening.  Preferably a time when there isn’t much going on.  Have fun posing in front of the school, sitting in the bleachers, or hanging out on the field or court (if they play a sport).

Favorite Hangouts

A lot of memories happen off of school grounds, too.  If your senior and their friends have a favorite hangout, capture candid moments of them just having fun together.  Focus on the laughter, the smiles, the favorite foods, and their favorite songs. Senior year can be a pretty bittersweet time for you and your child.  There are a lot of “last times,” but there is also so much excitement.  Focus on all the moments.  These are the times your child will want to remember and be so happy to have these pictures for years to come…even if they thought it was embarrassing at the time.


Keene High School Senior Pictures | Meet Brooklynn


Keene High School senior portraits | Meet Cece