Julia's Senior Portrait Session

Vintage. That was how Julia described the outfits she had in mind for her high school senior portrait session. She made the clothes herself, and they really added to the character of the photos.Julia chose to have her session all on-location in Surry and Alstead, two towns just north of my studio in Keene. We spent a bit of time in Alstead photographing near some rustic New England buildings, which worked well for the vintage look. We then headed to one of my favorite fields in Surry, which I was happy to see was full of beautiful yellow flowers.This was a really fun senior portrait session, and I was excited that we achieved the look Julia was after.

Senior portrait of a high school student on location in Alstead, NH.

On-location in Alstead, NH.

A rustic old building made a great background for this New England high school senior portrait.

A rustic old building made a great background.

Vintage clothes and accessories created a unique look for this high school girl.

Vintage clothes and accessories created a unique look.

A leap for joy during this high school student's senior portrait session.
The flowers in the field and the golden afternoon light really added to this beautiful high school senior portrait.

The flowers in the field and the goldenafternoon light really added to this portrait.


Blair's Senior Portrait Session


Linnea's Senior Portrait Session