Hailey's Senior Portrait Session

I first had the opportunity to photograph Hailey during her many great performances at Moco Arts. She is an amazing singer, dancer and actress, and I was excited to have the opportunity to work with her off-stage.Hailey chose two different locations for a variety of looks. We started in downtown Keene, NH for some photos that had a bit more of an urban theme to them. I love photographing downtown. Even though I have photographed there many times, I always love the new creative options it presents.After some fun photos downtown, we headed to one of my favorite wildflower fields in Surry, NH. We had beautiful late afternoon light, and there were still a ton of flowers for this late August session.Hailey is such a friendly, positive, energetic and generally cool person. We created a diverse collection of images that really celebrate who she is.

Senior Portrait in front of Moco Arts

When I saw this mural on the outside of the Moco Arts building, a place where she has spent a lot of time, I knew we had to get a photo in front of it.

Downtown Senior Portrait

Downtown Keene provides some great opportunities with all of the brick, cool doors and other interesting features.

I loved how the sunlight reflected off this lamp and the unique vertical panoramic composition this scene presented.

Senior Portrait with Ivy and Brick

Right across from the lamp was a nice section of ivy that made for one of my favorite photos of the day.

Wildflower Senior Portrait

We had beautiful light and color at the wildflower field.

Senior Portrait in Field of Flowers

Right as we were finishing the session, we had some amazingly dramatic light and clouds.


Tricia's Senior Portraits


Keene Country Club Wedding - Amanda and Derek