Deanna and Steve's Orchard Wedding in Keene

Deanna and Steve got married under a brilliant blue New England sky at the beautiful Barrett orchard in Keene. It was a gorgeous outdoor setting for a gorgeous couple. They're the kind of couple that doesn't just hug, they jump into each other's arms. The kind of couple that quotes Winnie the Pooh in their wedding ceremony. The kind of couple who's unique, thoughtful, romantic, vibrant and full of contagious joy and energy. This joy and energy carried through the night as they danced, played musical chairs and ate delicious pies alongside their closest friends and family at the Walpole Town Hall.It was very special for me to be a part of such an important day for Deanna and Steve. I first met Deanna when she was my daughter's 2nd grade and theater teacher. She's since become a good friend and great influence for my daughter. I was honored when she asked me to photograph her wedding and thrilled to find out she would be teaching Eliza again in the 4th grade.Congratulations, Deanna and Steve!

Deanna's beautifully vibrant shoes peeked from under her dress for a little pop of color.

Deanna's beautifully vibrant shoes peeked from under her dress for a little pop of color.

Deanna ready for her wedding and glowing with happiness.

Deanna ready for her wedding and glowing with happiness.

I love the feelings of excitement and anticipation leading up to the wedding ceremony.

I love the feelings of excitement and anticipation leading up to the wedding ceremony.

What's a wedding without a cute flower girl?

What's a wedding without a cute flower girl?

…and handsome ring bearers

…and handsome ring bearers.

Sisters singing Steve's song during the processional.

Sisters and past students of Deanna singing Steve's song during the processional.

Proud father walking his daughter down the aisle.
Their wedding ceremony was filled with emotion and sweet expressions like this one.

Their wedding ceremony was filled with emotion and sweet expressions like this one.

Just before the kiss.

Just before the kiss.

Deanna and Steve before sharing their first kiss as husband and wife.

Deanna and Steve before sharing their first kiss as husband and wife.

The happy couple sharing an intimate moment
It was a perfect summer afternoon for portraits

It was a perfect summer afternoon for portraits.

Don't they look so happy?

The wedding reception was at the Town Hall in Walpole, NH,.

The wedding reception was at the Town Hall in Walpole, NH.

Cheers to new beginnings

Did I mention they had a table full of delicious pies?

Did I mention they had a table full of delicious pies?

Best wishes to the two of you

Best wishes to the two of you.


Elisabeth and Andrew's Wedding


Kim and Craig's Anniversary Portraits